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If YOU don't change anything,

NOTHING will change!

The other way to physical & mental health.

Healthier and more relaxed life with sustainable organic nutrition, phytotherapy and relaxation for a healthy body and mind!

Everyone holds the key to their own healing, but sometimes the body needs a little help. That is exactly my job. As a health advisor and psychological coach, I work closely with you to restore your balance and find your center.

Holistic health and nutritional advice

Eat healthy, improve diseases. Go new WAYS!


People with chronic illnesses are often accused of just pretending to be sick when in fact much more often they pretend they are fine ..............


Book your individual appointment now and let me advise you!


I look forward to you, whether in person or in a live call.

natürliche Medizin
Patientin bei Psychotherapie

Psychological counseling

Often physical health depends on mental health, but no one looks to the psyche, only they treats the visible physical symptoms. When your soul is healed, your body symptoms will heals.

Unfortunately, the subject psychical problems is still a big secret, although I find psychical health is at least much more important as physical health.

Whether, you never learned how to deal with problems properly, big live changes and insecurities kick you on the floor or you have simply inherited a tendency to depression, anxiety or other kind of symptoms, does no matter at first. There are many reasons for psychical problems, most of them can be treated very well with therapy.

Let me advise you on how I can help you, psychotherapeutically or medically.

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